Sunday, August 22, 2010

Day 10! Caroline Rhea! Rain poncho...and "How fucking good are you?!"

Day...10? How the eff did that happen so, as I write this...I have to constantly look through the pictures I have taken to remember what I did.

It really is like a raging river here...just so fast and furious and you have to hold on, people, or you will get swept away!!! AWAY!!!

I have cards and fucking flyers of the people I have met and the people I want to see...I am just the good way...and, as Wayne put it so eloquently, to finish all of the days...there is a little thing called THE SHOW!!!

But the best thing is Georgie has gotten here...and everything seems managable!!

He has gotten right into it!

Here is he and Derrick afixing labels to flyers....

Checking out the Chip options...

And as a monster.

All of us having a celebratory feast...

And George, again, as a monster.

I had a ton of showcases that I am set up to do, one of them called Edinburgh Tonight! and I walked by the sign and this is how I was listed....


So, We woke yesterday morning...and you didn't know from my mood the kind of day it was gonna be...oh lord I was surly as we walked to the mile...the Royal Mile for our second street busking hell experience...but you do learn from experience...I knew what to Wayne and I figured out a slicker routine...and I had my cover of BROADWAY BABY in tow....

...a bit crumpled....but went alright...everything goes better when George is here....

Derrick has also gotten stickers made for the flyers that lay out my five stars, man!!! LOVES IT!!!

So, George and I went to the Half Price Hut and then the Fringe line up and sold a BUNCH of least 15, and for my small room that was not bad at all...

Then the team went to Edinburgh Tonight with Joe Simmons...and they were just lovely...the people...the guests...what a great group!

And there, after the soundcheck, on a couch in the green room I met kindred spirit ( lordy, but eff off) and fellow Canadian Caroline Rhea.

She is something else!!!We have done a lot of the same showcases...we are all just trying to sell our effing shows.

She is funny and fun...and I lent her my fabulous DT Beauty make up for the show and this picture...she didn't know the show was being televised!!! Oh, it will be on Podcast is a really cool line up...they get some great guests!

It was a singular experience, really...with Caroline, Joe and his producer Terry...and the unbelievably frank reviewer for the Scotsman, Kate Copstick...remember how I wrote about her before? Saying I would love her to review the show?

Well, she was in the wings when I sang...Don't Stop Believin'...and she came and found me after and walked up and said "How fucking good are you?!" and George JUMPED up and said, "Can we quote you?"....and then she said "Yes!" and she said the quote 3 times in a row!!!


That is the grail of what I have come here for, review wise!!

It was a great time....and people were pouring out after the show holding my flyer and some of them CAME!!!

And I met Caroline Rhea...did I mention that?And Kate Copstick!!!Oh lord...good times.....

Could it get any started to fucking rain...and I was dressed to walk to the theatre in my pink satin FC Derrick pulled this poncho out of his bag....I looked like an asshole....


The audience....was packed....really packed for the first time...and when they came in....I knew it was gonna be a good was the best so far!!!

What a great show!!!

I kissed three guys I didn't know....enough said....I was a wild woman.

And speaking of Wild WOMEN!!!

Gillian...the silent auction winner of the tickets to the show in Scotland, the Edinburgh Passes and a drink got here yesterday!!! All the fucking way from TO!!!

The people from Edinburgh Tonight invited us to a party and we all went...Gillian in tow...we have got to show this lady a good time...and she is so very fun....

Great party...lots of artists...and lots of booze....I only had one...I am trying to know my limit....

And, Wayne's Mom, Wayne gets up every morning and looks at me the lateness is my he doesn't have his own free will...He could always go home....but he DOES NOT!!!

We are having a great time...sleeping as much as is allowed...selling the show...and meeting great people.

Life is good....good day.

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