Sunday, January 23, 2011

Party Girl on ITUNES

All is quiet on the western front...whatever the eff that means.
I am in the thick of shooting my SUPER SECRET TV SHOW....good wardrobe, good people...and I have not been fired yet!!! AWESOME....and I had a chance to wear my FUN FUR jacket from Songs For A New World...thank to producer of Songs, Jason Knight, for letting me walk away with it...he knows me too well...
Since I can't describe my SUPER SECRET TV SHOW to you...because it is secret...I was waiting for other awesome news to share with you...there is SO MUCH coming down the pike this year...but all needs to be finalized and I have become a bit superstitious in my older 40ish type of self.
None of that made sense. all know what I mean.
Sorry if I am a bit distracted but I am on hold with that cold bitch, Mother Nature, right now...the "on hold" music is the song "Windy" ...she is such a bitch...she will probably wait for me to hang you all well know, she and I share a very precarious relationship...BUT SINCE IT IS MINUS 30 DEGREES today I thought I would call the express my distaste.
We shall see where this gets me.
There is some exciting CD "Party Girl" is now on ITUNES!!! IT IS!!!
So, spell my name correctly...not that I think any of you are stupid....I just have a lot more letters in my name than is usual...and ask FOR PARTY GIRL!!!
Here (thanks to Blair Francey and his cyber ways) is the link!!!
I hope you all are well!!!
I miss you....
I don't know when we will all see each other again....GOD, that was filled with melancholy...see what the effing Mother Nature does to me....

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