Friday, July 20, 2012

Amazing preview! GOLD 2012!

What a night!
As always, I am suitably nervous before a first preview...whole new show...all new hair do...
Last night, as I put on my make up and my hair piece (yes...there is a piece involved and I ain't embarrassed to say it...and I actually wore the smaller one...the bigger one was TOO HEAVY...jesus wept...and then bought tickets to my show) I was putting these things on and because I was alone in the dressing room and (the plight of a solo performer...Cooch was out socializing) my thoughts stray...and I thought back to one of my first shows in the same room at Buddies in Bad Christmas Party in 2005...

There were no costume designs (George and I went to Le Chateau and I tried on millions of outfits and the cheapest/best one would win), hair designs (this is mostly about the sweat factor...when it is up, there is I designed, with the help of my dear Hair Guru Bill, a rat for my bun...I used to put in a hair clip and hope for the best) no merch has been 7 years of struggling cabaret for a living...and I was a little overwhelmed by it all...and grateful for the journey.
As I put on my "Duchess of Cambridge", as John Austin called them, nude pumps I felt excitement and terror...still...this is always the way...MAKES YOU FEEL ALIVE!
The house was packed to the gills...on a THURSDAY NIGHT!! 
LOTS of new peeps!! One of my RCAF dudes from CS came!! Mike Hall!! Big BOB from the Hamilton Poilice came with his wife, Tracy! Some of my Insight family was in the house! Good friends, the Gays in the Corner (their title, not mine) and a bunch of dudes from Austria and a lady from Prague! So many awesome peeps...I have a new friend named Jill...who sat in the front row...oh, Jill!! 
I informed the peeps that it was a good night to come because I have no idea how it all will who knows the debacle that might ensue!!
What an amazing and informative night it was.
These are REAL work nights for figure out the timing (it has to run a hard and tight 55 mins...any time over 60 minutes in Edinburgh MUST be paid for..and it ain't cheap...unlike Le Chateau) figure out if the dress is see if the effing jokes are working....the songs, are they placed properly?
I have already made a big change for tonight, by the by!
There was a wonderful response...and wonderful social media response as well...I felt very happy to make it through in one piece! one likes Kim Kardashian...that, like universal.
I am excited about the next three nights!
I have already received some emails about when the show is coming back to TO...THIS IS IT, PEOPLE!! These next three shows are my only TO SHOWS in 2012!!
Come on down, people! 
As Matthew said on TWITTER...  

If seeing GOLD show was the last thing I do, I will have lived a full life. (P.S. The show was amazing!)"

Well, how much do I love that...not that they might leave this mortal get the picture!
Here is a shot one @kevinmichaelt took from the audience last night! ( I encourage all picture taking! ) 

I LOVE THIS DRESS!! Thanks to Sarah Morden (of the Canada Sings team...among other fabulous jobs she does) for the design and execution!
And, though I don't arrive for over a week, the work has begun with my awesome producer in Edinburgh...
Posters are up, BITCHES!!!

 I feel is ever changing and you never know what can happen...but right this second I feel full!! 
I hope to see you out in the next few nights at Buddies in Bad Times...again CALL AHEAD and buy your tickets (BOX OFFICE OPEN FROM Noon till show time #146 975 8555) Scotland or London (go to for info on tix and dates)  or New York (tickets will go on sale SOON!) or effing South Africa!

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