Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Musical Dreams, indeed Patricia O'Callaghan.

From the first year I participated in the Global Cabaret Festival, seven years ago, I knew I was lucky enough to be part of something very special. I have written over and over again every year how thrilled I am to be involved...what a joyous time I have and how I always do things there that I never get a chance to do anywhere else...and work with people who I have never worked with before. It also, as a sidebar, really built up a quest to collaborate more often.
SO, I know...I AM NOT gonna wax all poetical and fancy... you already have all THAT information.
BUT I was reminded today, reading an article in The Star about the festival and specifically the wonderful Patricia O'Callaghan, (who I met and had the honour of working with because of the Festival) that we all feel the same way.

"For the artists taking part in Soulpepper’s annual Global Cabaret Festival, it’s about fulfilling “musical dreams” as much as performing.
 The cabaret veteran (O'Callaghan) has been taking part in the festival since it started seven years ago and still finds it “absolutely amazing. Albert (Schultz, Soulpepper’s artistic director) keeps giving all of us artists the power to create shows that fulfill our musical dreams." - R.O. in this article in today's Star
Here is the Full Article:


This festival, really is a place where Albert gives you the space, TRUST, and time to try out new ideas. And for THAT I am eternally grateful. And after years of happily trying out new musical pieces mixed in with tried and true songs I am going to do a whole new show there.
And my show, as you may have figured out by now, if any of  you people are on social media is not just a cabaret...but a show that I have dreamed of doing since I was 14. It is very personal...and the music featured is music that (when I was in college at the grand old age of 17 being told that I was a musical theatre singer and to stay away from popular music) I wanted to sing and yell out from the rooftops from the very bottom of my little young heart and my cheap but fashionable boots. And, now, many years later... with the help of Steve and Brendan, I am doing just that. So, to list it all again...this show is new, it is raw for me, this will be the first time I will perform it without crutches in front of people...and that is THRILLING and SCARY AS SHIT. AND I would love...love love love...to fly this ship with you...and a gal cannot be too coy...but...do you have something to do on Friday at 8:45pm or Saturday at 3:45pm? I know that as of right now, there are some tickets left...let's go for a ride
And while you are at it, get tickets for some other shows too...these are some special performances...        www.globalcabaret.ca

Here are some Prince videos to get you in the mood...but, again, you don't have to love Prince to be a part of this show. I promise.
DISCLAIMER: Not like, I promise and if you don't like it you will get your money back!! So, there is THAT!! You gotta take a chance people.

 PRINCE with BeyoncĂ© because, why not?

Prince KILLS the guitar solo in "While My Guitar Gently Weeps" and then throws his guitar in the air....never to be seen again...starts at about 3:30

PRINCE Sings Joni Mitchell...and kills that too.

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