Last Day in London....and Chris says this is his fave picture of me.
Not maybe, this?
Look at me leaning on that fucking car like it is my fucking job.
That first picture screams "This chick played Madame Thenardier in Les Mis...and clearly is trying to recapture her youth...and looks like she ate something quite disagreeable."..."Oh...and she doesn't care."
I guess I should just be happy that someone has a favourite anything about me...and move on....
Um...but as a side bar....what about this one, Cooch?
First Preview of "Jesus Thinks I'm Funny" at Buddies in Bad Times Photo by: @[584940190:2048:Michele-Marie Beer] Sharron Styled by Fashion Crimes
Anyhow, I am sitting in my darkened bedroom at my pal Tober's place in Lambeth...Tober has been the best friend and host...I so appreciate his care...and he has cared for me...thank you...I am now LAYING here...on my bed and I don't want to open the windows...the blinds...the door...because then I will have to accept that the time has last show in the UK of Jesus.
There was such a great deal of planning that went into this...the trip I took here, to London, earlier this year...staying with Rob, my producer...picking a theatre during the day...and at night spending 3 hours on skype with Christian Vincent (who I had never met in person) planning numbers, picking songs and getting ready for the first week of Canada Sings.
It seems so effing long ago.
And at 7:00pm tonight I will do my show at Leicester Square Theatre...with many friends in the audience...thankfully...what a blessing...and Team Jesus...who I hold so close to my heart...yes...look out...I am feeling all will be a fun night, I believe...I am very excited, above all other feelings.
Which is a tiny bit of a surprise to me.
Because I was so sick the whole time I was here...this is where I spent the entire month of August (when not performing)....
Sleeping, coughing, fevering, freezing, checking my voice, finding out about the great reviews,drinking tea, taking drugs, watching season 3 of True Blood, missing George, looking at my cover of the Scotsman over and over and over, resting, resting, resting and laughing laughing laughing on occasion....that was something else...but BECAUSE I was so sick I thought I would just be grateful that the end would be near...but I am sad...and excited...and thankful...and, yes, melancholy...and fulfilled.
I had the amazing experience of running and refining my show for over a month...what a gift...I changed it...shaped it and was in it...enjoying it...even when sick.
THAT was just the best.
It feels like a tight show.
Thanks to the universe.
And all the people who have supported me.
Again, I must write that all artists in Canada should get the chance to come to the Edinburgh Festival...or at least have the chance of seeking funding from our government and bringing their work over.
It changes the face of your work...and your perspective...and you meet amazing artists...and work with amazing new people.
And spreads the word about our country ...I have told a least 100 international artists about our Fringe festivals...I hope they all come and see our beautiful country.
Soap box away.
I am gonna strap on my feathers in a couple hours...and off we go LAST SHOW!
And next week, while I am on vacation feels so fancy to write it...the last episode of Canada Sings will air...with the fabu group, RUN DRC from the Distillery district in is a wonderful episode and I hope all watch it...I will get it a couple days after...but will be there in spirit on the day of airing.
I can't believe that will be the end of Season One...we shall see if there is a Season Two...but what a great, life changing experience that was.
I loved that job almost MORE than any was so wonderful to meet and work with all these people...from all walks of life..who just wanted to to perform...not for money...or fame...but for charity.
To get those musical numbers arrange them pass them onto the fabulous Orin Issacs to orchestrate...and he would listen to my koo koo recordings and try to figure out what the eff I was doing...and he would transcribe it note for note...amazing...
To collaborate with Christian...what a gift..what a hard working, talented creator...what a dear friend.
And the crew on Canada an amazing job they do...the hardest job of do their upmost to make sure you will never guess that they exist. To be silent and invisible. They are amazing...Team Riley and Team Bickerton...though we...the fancy artistic teams...pretend it is about us and whether we win or not...we really know it is about them...and whether THEY win or not...cameras, audio, craft, talent and music coordination, editors, producers, directors, casting, wardrobe....working their asses off ...taking me into the green screen room at the end of the day..."So Sharron, it is day do you feel? Is it coming together?"
Um...not always.
I loved all my groups and got to know some of the people from the others...and we were all on the same side, really.
We just wanted to do good work...and to win...WIN WIN WIN...lord, I am competitive.
Thanks to Insight and all for having was amazing.
Again, I hope you tune in next week and spread the word one more time!!!
Here are a couple of my fave shots at Canada Sings for you to check out now that you might have watched the shows and know these people a bit!!!
those outfits!
Gigi...make up and
Christian and Me! Thanks Christian.
Boilerhouse week with Team Riley
So, after tonight...I am to the land where I am going to TRY not to turn on my computer except to check emails....can you fucking believe it?
I know that you don't but I am really gonna try. I feel the world needs a break from my whoring social media self....just for a while...I am not losing my mind or anything...I will be back.
Two nights ago, when Cooch and I got into the cab to go to the theatre for the debut, we rode along the Thames...and we looked up at Big Ben as we went by...and I felt fancy...and lucky...and thankful.
What a fucking is only September....lord...the to you all....
Wait!! What about this one, Cooch!
(Thanks to constant he is in his new hat....I like this pic of YOU best....)
But I am most excited...about seeing.....
I am never leaving home without him...again...the tall one...the other ones we can figure out, though I miss them so much as well...but the tall one....lord.
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