Wednesday, September 02, 2009

The end of the summer....suck that Mother Nature...and that creepy guy who....

Yesterday, after SPIN CLASS...which rocked by the way....just when I thought I could not make it any further 'Move' from Dreamgirls started to play...the teacher is awesome and fabulous....has a huge package in his very tight bike shorts....and finds himself strangely drawn to me...and not with lust I am thinking....hmm.
So, yesterday after spin class I was getting on my bike to ride home from Queen and Broadview...great area, but sometimes questionable...I think it is the presence of Jilly's...I heard a voice yelling "HEY!!!!"...."EH!!!"...I look around and then ....up...and a gentlemen...and I use the term loosely...not that all guys who have mullets aren't gentlemen but it does give me pause...and I can smell the liquor on his breath from the street...when I look at him he says,
"Hey, what time is it?" think "Doesn't he have some kinda of a time indicator in his home?"...I tell him and then he says..."Uh, I have locked myself in my place." think "What the efff?".....he say "Could you come up here and go to door number....." I am already shaking my head and furrowing my brow....and not one to just ride my bike away ... I ask... "Whatever would make you think a stranger would come up there into your building and in your apartment...and how the eff did you lock yourself wait... don't tell me....I really don't care." And I ride away.
Was that harsh?
Tonight is my last summer night at Statlers...and my last night with my dear Mark Harjes....we have had a blast...when we started working together in 1994 I was just new and shiny...and he used to make me laugh...and he could always and still does play so well...and he loved a medley...and a musical theatre tune...and just loved to play.
I used to take him to auditions with me and when MD's of the big shows heard him play they would ask me for his contact info...but he just wasn't interested...he just wanted to play.
Me love him.
I will miss him....for tonight I went through all of my old stuff...really old stuff and picked out some of my faves that we have done together...and some I have not even done since then....I hope to remember all of the words....
And after tonight I have agreed to do three more nights at Staters....The next three Wednesdays.....the 9th...the 16th ( which is my Birthday....the actual day bitches) and the 23rd....then I am gonna stop for a while.
I think I need a breath.
I have so enjoyed this summer series ... it has been like play time once a week.
But I think I need to have some figure out what is next....I have an idea of what I want it to be...but I think I need to stop freaking out about being current and in the 'public eye' and just sounds so therapy...but it is true.
So, I really don't know when I will next do something.
I am not saying that to draw you EXTENDED THREE MORE WEEKS....although it is true and I have used that pretense before...but I just want the people who are interested to know....I have taken a number of your song ideas...for which I am eternally grateful...thanks for putting thought into your choices ...I will work these songs up over the next few weeks....
I am all " SUMMER OVER" melacholy.
But will stick that melancholy up Mother Natures ASS tonight by the time the show rolls come on down... and we can play...I have picked out two song books that are my faves... and we are all ...together going to randomly pick a song and see what can be worked up!!!
Don't sit at home thinking SYTYCD Canada sucks...come out and play with me....

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