Saturday, August 04, 2012

EDFRINGE Day 4....I forgot!

I know I am clocking the years...but I looked at this picture and, this looks like a publicity shot for the Edinburgh version of "Shirley Valentine"...what the fuck?
Still...I look blissful!!
AND I know it is only my third year (some people have been bringing their shows here, to the Edinburgh Fringe,  for over 20 years...yes, 20 years) but I forget....I forget until I get here how challenging it is. 
I think it is a bit like child mother said that child birth is that kind of pain you forget...or you would never do it again...don't freak out mothers...don't write me mad...I don't know what REAL child birth is just a little comparison, is all.
I woke up yesterday a kind of tired that made me turn to Cooch (Chris Tsujiuchi, my talented, kind friend and accompanist) and said, "oh ya...I thought I have been tired before...but THIS is effing tired. AND WE JUST STARTED!"
It ALL started with our tech rehearsal at the Pleasance. 
Now, I have walked by the Pleasance a million times over the last two years and ALWAYS wanted my picture to be on that big, Pleasance board. I know it sounds a bit Canadian provincial...and this is giving away my sentimental heart and picture on that wall would would mean that I had been recognized as performer that worked hard and accomplished something...

Well, how nice.
Our whole team sat in the Pleasance Courtyard and waited for our  tech time to come have some extra time...what do you do? We Instagram, people...

Myself and Rob (Producer)

Huw (Associate Producer) and Anjali (Stage Manager, Sound and Lights)

Me, Cooch and Huw 

Tech went very well...we had a cue to cue.
Which is something...because I always just say' Turn the lights up when I start and off when I am done." Simplicity is sometimes the best policy.
But now...well...I have fancy lights.
It is terrifyingly awesome.
The Pleasance is a bang up place with a bang up crew!!
Before my first preview I had a photo the Olympic rings here in went rhythmic gymnast must let go of all vanity when promoting...must...

You can't really see them well...but Cooch and I fashioned some golden star medals (it is all about the stars here at Edfringe!) for the shoot...ya I am the 5 Star winner of the must project greatness...or, at least, be they are close up!!

I gave them to the photographers after...ass kisser that I am.
Then Cooch and I ran to the first preview.
The first preview was good but challenging (see child birth reference above) it was really I sweated like a whore in church...and my eyelash came off...right shoe slipped off because I was so sweatly...and the audience was a bit quiet...they were smiling...but I said...a challenge! But they all seemed to enjoy it! 
Had some wonderful feed back on the Twitterverse!!

I saw Edinburgh show today. Went in totally blind, knowing nothing about her. It was brilliant."


Just left opening performance, it's a must see. 3.40pm go buy tickets!"


That night I was so fucking tired I felt like I could have lay down on pavement and slept...and we JUST STARTED!!! 

Preview 2 went swimmingly...but didn't look like I had been in a swimming pool...thanks be...great house...I was proud of the show!!

Then we went home and Cooch and I rehearsed because I was hosting the List Party is a fabu party that happens at this amazing venue called Summerhall...there is swag...there is booze...there is music...and there are performances....and I got to host!
From 10:00pm till...wait for it...1:30am...WHAT THE EFF!!?!?!?

It was great...long...but great...and by the end of it I had done 30 minutes of my own material. CRAZY!!!
Got some sweet TWITTERLOVE for the List hosting...they called me a compere...hheehhhee....fancy...

The divas have decided that if there's one show they must see it's O.M.Freaking.G she's a superstar! WE LOVE HER!"
The absolute best bit of the party was ' hosting. End of.
WELL!! Thank YOU!!!
We went home and went to sleep and then COOCH And I got up...

OH! PLEASE KEEP IN MIND THAT GEORGE (the best husband to ever walk on feet...I love love love him), 

Rob and Huw are on the street SELLING THE SHOW ALL DAY LONG. ALL DAY LONG. I have had some of the biggest preview audiences of anyone...thanks to them. I am very thankful...Team #GOLD and husband love.

I really can't tell you, again, how wonderful George is...though, if you have met know.

So, Coocherson and I gets up and get our shit together, after about 5 hours sleep, and go to do a "Best of The Fest" promo gig at the Assembly Spiegeltent. I love doing get to meet such interesting performers! Sadly, not alot of time for that because as soon as I was done, Cooch and I got our asses to the Pleasance and got ready for the 3:40pm show, Preview 3.
(Imagine getting previews for cabaret in Canada? Jesus wept...and then bought a ticket to my show.)
The show was just the best! What a great house. Pace was good. Lights were awesome. Cooch was was all just perfect. I laughed and enjoyed myself...though I was a bit is always all gone when I get started.

What a crazy three DAYS! A START TO EDFRINGE 2012!!!

Also, before my previews started, my dear pal, Michael Hughes arrived!!

And yesterday he, and his accompanist Doug hit the Royal Mile to sell...

Way to go, Doug!
And they had their first preview last night, which went swimmingly.
There are a lot of Canadians here this year...everywhere!! It is happy making!
And I received my first LoveFringe review.
Love Fringe is an awesome give the audience a little card after the show and they go to the site and can issue their own review...for good or ill...and one of my peeps from yesterday gave me FIVE STARS!!
I will take it!!
It is short and sweet....but Five Stars it is!!!

Now, I am catching up on my writing you can see...and tonight is the official opening...whew. NEVER ENDS!

I also noticed that one of my former students from Sheridan got a lovely mention for her part in a production of Company that is running here!

"Notably Kylie McMahon’s fantastic performance as neurotic bride-to-be Amy"
- Scotsgay

What great things...I am gonna sleep some more...then opening!!

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