Friday, August 21, 2009

Starbucks and Being Retarded

So, I am at Starbucks.
On Church Street....with my people....and I ask the very fashionable Barista....I love that title...I ask him for a medium tea ... he already hates me because I don't conform to their fascist changing of the drink sizes...and ask him to leave the bag I always do...every where I go...Tim's, Country Style...yes...I sometimes go to Country Style...eff off.
When I ask the Barista to leave the bag in he looks at me like my dog Tyson when I say "Where is Daddy?"...he all tilts his head to the side and googles his eyes....and says....the Barista not Tyson..."We always leave the bag in....who doesn't leave the bag in?!" and then all of the Baristas behind the counter...all of who's hair is pointing straight up in the all know what I mean...just think about it....all of the Baristas start having this in depth conversation about how could someone not leave the bag in....rubbarb, rubbarb, rubbarb....and I am standing there with my $1.75... too much for an effing tea if you ask me... and I just wait for the hub bub to end and give me my tea.
I have been asking for my tea that way for years....they ask you everywhere else if you want the bag left in....why the eff am I justifying myself?!?!?!?!
The head Barista turns and says...wait for it.... "Everyone things we're retarded here...we know how to serve tea."
What do you say?
What the eff do you say to that?
I will tell you what I said....
" I didn't make any judgement on your level of idiocy based on your looks...I am sure that you are good at.....oh what the fuck..... can I have my damned tea!"
Who knows what the day holds, huh?

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